Cultural Revival
The influence of Islamic Garden on planting design in Presint 10, Putrajaya.
Islamic Arts decoration as an attraction at exterior of mosque.
The interrelationship between spatial organization, social interaction (ikhtilat) and landscape setting towards Islamic built environment.
Evaluating the spatial organization of design layout at Tadom Hills and Goldcoast Morib, Banting in relation to Islamic principle.
The influences of culture in plant's selection of the traditional Malay garden.
changes and threats in the preservation of traditional Malay garden.
Changes and threats in the preservation of traditional Malay garden.
The implementation of traditional Malay wakaf in urban context.
The composition of private spaces in Malay cutural advocate's house.
The exploration of potential roles of outdoor water features in mosques.
People and Places
A study on edible garden on graveyard of Raudhatul Sakinah.
Typology of indoor plant decoration/indoor landscape in commercial building.
Ecological-friendly design for vest pocket park in a city.
Urban park facilities towards promoting recycling.
Bicycle route system for cyclists' safety and comfort in neighbourhood parks.
Effectiveness of sounscape for a pleasant environment.
Current recreational outdoor facilities for the youth.
Open lawn influence user activities and senses in urban parks.
City Of Tomorrow
The features of streetscapes for viable urban design.
Softscape design as a direction for pedestrian walkway in urban area.
Nightscape in landscape architectural design.
Multifunctionalities of urban blue corridor.
The study of water features design in Putrajaya.
The impact of slope engineering as a green technology towards environment.
Criteria of generous sidewalk for campus active mobility.
The study of green paving technology (permeable paving system) impact on stormwater runoff.
Cities That Talk
Exploring the manipulation of water movement as interactive elements.
Interactive sculpture for practical aesthetics.
Structural form and structural performance of an overpass bridge.
The benefits of interactive lighting in landscape.
To study the usage of lightweight material in green roof.
The suitability of pavement types for children in urban park.
Implementation of public art into street furniture in urban environment.
The application of bambooo as substitute constructional material in environment and built environment.
Environment For All
Symbiotic relationships between ants and plants.
Recreating waterbirds habitat in man-made wetlands.
Study of suitability of plants in bioswales.
Landscape aesthetical values and characteristics of heath forest and its implementation in urban context.
Identification and characterization of pteroplinthite mangrove forest.
Landscape ethnobotanical study of Malay midwifery plant species.
The role of plant as microclimate control in urban park.
The use of urban domestic waste from housing area for composting.
The effect of ground surface cover on microclimate control.
Design. Transform. Rejoice
The features of successful open spaces in influencing residential property value in PJ.
The roles and relevancy of rooftop garden to the society in urban area.
Assessing the effectiveness os law governed by MBPJ according to parks by-laws.
Crime prevention through landscape design in public parks.
Crossing road for people with visual impairment in landscape design.
the access and facilities for physical disabilities in campus environment.
Effects of playground design towards children's play behavior and skills development.
The influences of walkway design in determining pedestrian comfort.
Kitchen garden in urban residential area.